Context This data set is taken from and represents trips taken by members of ...
# Content The purpose of EPA’s fuel economy estimates is to provide a reliable basis for comparing vehicles. Most ve ...
Context: On a typical day in the United States, police officers make more than 50,000 traffic stops. The Stanford Op ...
This Datasets contains the [Kitti Object Detection Benchmark][1], created by *Andreas Geiger, Philip Lenz and Raquel ...
# Dataset This dataset was created by Yves Dantas # Contents It contains the following files:
Financial institutions incur significant losses due to the default of vehicle loans. This has led to the tightening ...
# Dataset This dataset was created by Ashish Gupta Released under Data files ? Original Authors # Contents It contai ...
# Dataset This dataset was created by ARICHANDRAN RAMACHANDRAN # Contents It contains the following files:
Context Financial institutions incur significant losses due to the default of vehicle loans. This has led to the tig ...
# Dataset This dataset was created by Pranav Khiste Released under Data files ? Original Authors # Contents It conta ...
# Dataset This dataset was created by Karim Released under Database: Open Database, Contents: Database Contents # Co ...
# Dataset This dataset was created by Reddyr Released under CC0: Public Domain # Contents It contains the following ...
# Dataset This dataset was created by Izzan Fakhril Islam # Contents It contains the following files:
Context In the dataset freMTPL2freq risk features and claim numbers were collected for 677,991 motor third-part liab ...
We generated our own dataset (IITM-HeTra) from cameras monitoring road traffic in Chennai, India. To ensure that dat ...
# Dataset This dataset was created by Ferhat Din? # Contents It contains the following files: