
jsaiyyp 17 2021-08-24 图像识别


SUMMARY ================================================================================ MovieLens helps you find movies you will like.Rate movies to build a custom taste profile, then MovieLens recommends other movies for you to watch. These files contain 1,000,209 anonymous ratings of approximately 3,900 movies made by 6,040 MovieLens users who joined MovieLens in 2000. USAGE LICENSE ================================================================================ Neither the University of Minnesota nor any of the researchers involved can guarantee the correctness of the data, its suitability for any particular purpose, or the validity of results based on the use of the data set. The data set may be used for any research purposes under the following conditions: * The user may not state or imply any endorsement from the University of Minnesota or the GroupLens Research Group. * The user must acknowledge the use of the data set in publications resulting from the use of the data set (see below for citation information). * The user may not redistribute the data without separate permission. * The user may not use this information for any commercial or revenue-bearing purposes without first obtaining permission from a faculty member of the GroupLens Research Project at the University of Minnesota. If you have any further questions or comments, please contact GroupLens

动画片 (http://ds.jsai.org.cn/) 图像识别 第1张

