
jsaiyyp 19 2021-08-24 图像识别


Context I am a bit of a fan of Tarantino's work, and so I collected the scripts of 4 of his movies- Django Unchained, Inglorious Basterds, Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs. The main aim was to create a Tarantino script generator using LSTMs in this kernel. Just as a disclaimer, since this is Tarantino, there is a bit of cussing in the scripts itself and I have not censored them. Content The files have not been categorized into specific rows or columns- these are just raw scripts. The file tarantino_scripts.txt basically has all 4 scripts concatenated one after the other, for the text generator's input. Acknowledgements I used this site to get the scripts- [IMSDb][1] Inspiration A script generator, better than the one I made (mine isn't that great), or for text mining or some visual representation of the data. Cover Photo by [Chris Murray on Unsplash][2] [1]: http://www.imsdb.com [2]: https://unsplash.com/photos/qtKVfAdF3_s

塔伦蒂诺脚本 (http://ds.jsai.org.cn/) 图像识别 第1张

