乐高砖排序 - 图像识别免费

jsaiyyp 17 2021-08-24 图像识别


Context I built a Raspberry Pi Lego Sorter that used Tensorflow and Inception V3 to identify Lego Classes. You can read more here: https://medium.com/@pacogarcia3/tensorflow-on-raspbery-pi-lego-sorter-ab60019dcf32 This data set should enable to replicate my project without having to build the mechanical part. Content Contains 20 brick classes and total of 4,500+ images Acknowledgements See my medium post. Inspiration The journey I embarked on was inspired by a Google Post: https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/gcp/how-a-japanese-cucumber-farmer-is-using-deep-learning-and-tensorflow

乐高砖排序 - 图像识别 (http://ds.jsai.org.cn/) 图像识别 第1张

