Context This is a dataset consisting of landmark locations of Turkey, from 3 largest cities; Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir. This dataset is created for the purpose of a project for machine learning class. We wanted to build a large dataset which will be used for long time, that is why pictures are not just small pictures. The program we used for classifying images can be found on [my github][1]. Content This data is split in test and train data. %80 of images is split for training, and the rest is for testing. The file is structured like; -Location1 |img1.jpg |asdfghg.jpg |xxdgs.jpg -Location2 |more.jpg |pictures.jpg |with_random_names.jpg . . . The data was collected from flickr, google images, and google places. Google places was a little bit stingy about sharing its data, so we had to find a way around. Most of the scripts which have been used for scrapping the data can be found at my github profile. Another think to remember is the noise leftover even after so many cleaning process. Sorry for that. Acknowledgements I would like to thanks Serhat Saglik, who was my teammate during this project for his efforts. [1]: