This database contains IQ-baseband recordings of 10 consumer/prosumer drones’ radio-control and video signals in an interleaved (I1 Q1 I2 Q2 I3 Q3 ...) 16-bit signed integer, little-endian, format. The drones were recorded at 2.44 GHz and 5.8 GHz center frequencies (with the exception of Yuneec Typhoon H at 5.7 GHz) if the drone supported both. In the dataset, these center frequencies were denoted with 2G and 5G in the filename, respectively. The sampling frequency was 120 MHz at 2.44 GHz and 200 MHz at 5.8 GHz. The recording length at 2.44 GHz was 120e6 samples, which corresponds to a recording period of 1 s and 100e6 samples at 5.8 GHz, which corresponds to a recording period of 0.5 s.
The measurements were conducted in the isolated anechoic chamber of Tampere University, where the drones were on a turntable. The controller was next to the drone, and the measurement antenna was at the opposite side of the chamber. The published data are chosen in a way that a complete hopping sequence of the control signal is captured in each single recording, if possible. There were a few drones, for which two separate recordings were provided; these recordings are not consecutive, but it should be possible to combine them to extract the hopping sequence. Some drones also did not have a discernible pattern, or it was too long for our recording period.
The recordings of the Parrot Mambo are separated into two files, since it was not possible to record a clean signal with simultaneously active video and control links.
The following drone models are included in the first version of the database:
For further information contact Jaakko Marin.