OSHA 牙科实践检查 (1972 2017)免费

jsaifc 14 2021-08-27 医疗图像


OSHA 牙科实践检查 (1972 2017) (http://ds.jsai.org.cn/) 医疗图像 第1张

Context All Dental Practice (SIC 8021) OSHA inspections from 1972-2017. This does not list the violations, if any, that were cited during the inspection. However the activity number can be cross-referenced with the violations data set to gather that information. Content This dataset is a pared down copy of the full OSHA inspection database, which is freely available at Data.gov or OSHA.gov. The SIC 8021 (dental practices) was filtered out and moved to it's own dataset for easier cross referencing. Acknowledgements I would like to say thank you to OSHA for providing their data in an open and transparent database. Inspiration My inspiration for this was to research how many dental clinics had been inspected historically, and to compare it to current numbers. Since dental clinics are under increased scrutiny due to poor safety practices, I wanted to compare the historical trends of violations (after cross referencing) with current ones.

