
jsaifc 29 2021-08-27 医疗图像


The COVID-19 pandemic is reshaping human interactions with the natural environment, generating profound consequences for health and well-being. To assess the effects of COVID-19 on the outdoor recreation participation and well-being of adolescents we conducted a nationally representative survey of youth ages 10-18 across the United States (n = 624) using a Qualtrics XM panel between April 30 and June 15, 2020. Survey questions focused on frequency of participation in several types of outdoor activities before and during the pandemic. Activity categories included outdoor play activities (e.g., running, biking), nature-based activities (e.g., camping, fishing), and spending outdoor time with family. We assessed changes in the psychological health of youth using a four-item subjective well-being scale validated by the World Health Organization. Paired t-tests revealed significant decreases in both outdoor recreation participation (64% of youth reported declines) and subjective well-being (52% reported declines) during the pandemic. A regression model examining correlates of changes in subjective well-being (R2=0.42) revealed strong associations between subjective well-being and changes in outdoor play activities (B=0.44, p<0.001) and changes in nature-based activities (B=0.21, p=0.016). Youth who continued to participate in these activities during COVID-19 reported significantly smaller drops in subjective well-being, whereas youth whose outdoor participation waned were more negatively impacted by the pandemic. Furthermore, youth who reported high levels of outdoor play activity participation before the pandemic were also less likely to experience post-COVID-19 declines in subjective well-being. These results contribute to our understanding of adolescent psychological reactions to the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as highlighting the critical role that time outdoors and time in nature can play in bolstering youth resilience to environmental stressors.

