
yyp@722076 12 2021-08-27 医疗图像


Content More details about each file are in the individual file descriptions. Context This is a dataset hosted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The organization has an open data platform found [here](https://data.cdc.gov) and they update their information according the amount of data that is brought in. Explore CDC Data using Kaggle and all of the data sources available through the CDC [organization page](https://www.kaggle.com/cdc)! * Update Frequency: This dataset is updated daily. Acknowledgements This dataset is maintained using Socrata's API and Kaggle's API. [Socrata](https://socrata.com/) has assisted countless organizations with hosting their open data and has been an integral part of the process of bringing more data to the public. This dataset is distributed under the following licenses: NA风疹沙门氏菌病 (http://ds.jsai.org.cn/) 医疗图像 第1张

