
yyp@722076 15 2021-08-27 医疗图像


**Connect/Follow me on [LinkedIn](http://link.rajanand.org/linkedin) for more updates on interesting dataset like this. Thanks.** Context: ----------- **Annual Health Survey : Woman Schedule ** This dataset contains data on Annual Health Survey : Woman Schedule. Woman Schedule comprised two sections. Section-I (this dataset) contains information relating to the outcome of pregnancy(s) (live birth/still birth/abortion); birth history; type of medical attention at delivery; details of maternal health care(ante-natal/natal/post-natal); immunization of children; breast feeding practices including supplements; occurrence of child diseases (Pneumonia, Diarrhoea and fever); registration of births, etc. use, sources and practices of family planning methods; details relating to future use of contraceptives and unmet need;awareness about RTI/STI, HIV/AIDS, administration of HAF/ORT/ORS during diarrhoea and danger signs of ARI/Pneumonia. It also includes more information relating the Ever Married Women (EMW) like conception details, usage of NPT kit, registration of pregnancy, health problems and subsequent treatments during ante-natal/natal/post-natal period, cost incurred by the woman during delivery etc. There are total of 197 variables/columns in this dataset. **[Survey:](http://www.who.int/bulletin/volumes/94/4/BLT-15-158493-table-T1.html)** Base line survey - 2010-11 (4.14 million households in the sample) 1st update - 2011-12 (4.28 million households in the sample) 2nd update - 2012-13 (4.32 million households in the sample) **Questionnaire:** Refer page no 131 to 151 of [this](http://www.censusindia.gov.in/vital_statistics/AHSBulletins/AHS_Baseline_Factsheets/Rajasthan.pdf) fact sheet for the survey questions. The survey was conducted in the below 9 states. A. Empowered Action Group [(EAG)](http://pib.nic.in/newsite/mbErel.aspx?relid=85350) States 1. Uttarakhand (05) 2. Rajasthan (08) 3. Uttar Pradesh (09) 4. Bihar (10) 5. Jharkhand (20) 6. Odisha (21) 7. Chhattisgarh (22) 8. Madhya Pradesh (23) B. Assam. (18) These nine states, which account for about 48 percent of the total population, 59 percent of Births, 70 percent of Infant Deaths, 75 percent of Under 5 Deaths and 62 percent of Maternal Deaths in the country, are the high focus States in view of their relatively higher fertility and mortality. Acknowledgements ---------------- [Department of Health and Family Welfare](https://nrhm-mis.nic.in/hmisreports/AHSReports.aspx), Govt. of India has published this [dataset](https://data.gov.in/catalog/annual-health-survey-woman-schedule) in Open Govt Data Platform India portal under [Govt. Open Data License - India](https://data.gov.in/government-open-data-license-india). Thanks [Marco](https://www.kaggle.com/macaggle) for sharing questionnaire [details](https://www.kaggle.com/rajanand/ahs-woman-1/discussion/47228#latest-267098). Inspirations ------------- Is it possible to predict the pregnancy outcome(live birth/still birth/abortion)?

预测妊娠结局 (http://ds.jsai.org.cn/) 医疗图像 第1张

