"COVID-19 mortality correlation with cloudiness, sunlight, latitude in European countries"
Dataset for article titled
"COVID-19 mortality: positive correlation with cloudiness, sunlight and no correlation with latitude in Europe"
Corresponding author: A. Iftime, University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila", Biophysics Department, 8 Blvd. Eroii Sanitari, 050474 Bucharest, Romania. Email address: adrian.iftime [at] umfcd.ro.
Article currently under review, "Epidemiology & Infection", ISSN: 0950-2688 (Print), 1469-4409 (Online)
Dataset file:
Dataset graphical preview:
DATASET fields:
"Country" :
Country name; 37 European countries included.
Date stamp at the collection time.
Data collection was performed in the last day of every month.
Date format: YYYY-MM-DD
"Month_Key" :
Date stamp at the collection time, formatted for easier monthly time series analysis.
Date format: YYYY-MM
Date stamp at the collection time,formatted for easier graphing, as a string with names of the months
(in English).
"Deaths_per_1Mpop" :
Monthly mortality from COVID-19 raported in the country,
reported as number of COVID-19 deaths per 1 million population of the country,
in that particular month / country.
NB: it is reported as million population, not patients.
"LogDeaths_per_1Mpop" :
Log10 transformation of "Deaths_per_1Mpop"
"Insolation_Average" :
Insolation average (solar irradiance at ground level),
in that particular month / country.
It is expressed in Watt / square meter of the ground surface.
Data derived from data avaialble at NASA Langley Research Center, NASA’s Earth Observatory,
CERES / FLASHFlux team, 2020,
"Cloud_Fraction" :
Cloudiness (also known as cloud fraction, cloud cover, cloud amount or sky cover),
as decimal fraction of the sky obscured by clouds,
in that particular month / country.
Data derived from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA’s Earth Observatory,
MODIS Atmosphere Science Team, 2020,
"CENTR_latitude" and
"CENTR_longitude" :
Latitude and Longitude of the country centroid, for each country.
Data derived from Google LLC, "Dataset publishing language: country centroids",
NOTE: This is identical in every month (obviuously);
it is redundantly included for easier monthly sectional analysis of the data.
Versioning: 1.0.0.COVID-19_Mortality_Cloudiness_Insolation_EUROPE_March_August_2020.csv
MAJOR: changes yearly; 1 = 2020
MINOR: changes if new monthly data is added in that particular year.
PATCH: Changes only if errors or minor edits were performed.
DOI for this version: 10.5281/zenodo.4266758
Dataset file source for this version (internal analysis source file):