
yyp@722076 12 2021-08-28 医疗图像


Context When i needed to access Human Development dataset, i was surprised to see that the data is not offered through APIs, i tried many python libraries i found online but all failed to retrieve data. So, i decided to scrape it from the website myself. Content The code is split into two notebooks: * `Scrapping Human Development Index.ipynb` which will load the csv HDI_KPIs.csv The file only has the urls for all HDI indicators which will be used to scrape the data. The code will scrape all the indicators and store each one of them in a seperate csv in input_data folder. * `Human Development Index.ipynb` This notebooks will load all the csvs, clean the data and store it in HDI-complete.csv inside output_data folder.人类发展指数 (http://ds.jsai.org.cn/) 医疗图像 第1张

