纽约黄色出租车 2015 样本数据免费

liying 25 2021-08-28 智能交通


纽约黄色出租车 2015 样本数据 (http://ds.jsai.org.cn/) 智能交通 第1张The dataset is based on the 2015 NYC Yellow Cab trip record data published by the NYC Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC). The train data was randomly sampled which is 2% of the whole year dataset. The test data is non overlapping with the train data and is 1% of the whole year dataset. File descriptions train.csv - the training set (contains 2874263 trip records) test.csv - the testing set (contains 1446517 trip records) Update: I have uploaded the train and test dataset with geodesic distance calculated by library geopy (from the coordinates in the dataset) to save up the time for calculation.

