
liying 17 2021-08-29 智能交通


停车场德里昂 (http://ds.jsai.org.cn/) 智能交通 第1张

**Place de Parking sur Lyon dataset** Data Set Characteristics: :Number of Instances: 1051 :Number of Attributes: 24 numeric/categorical predictive. Id of all Parking (attribute 25) is usually the index. :Attribute Information (in order): - nom Name of the parking - commune Parking's town - proprietaire Parking's Owner - gestionnaire Parking's administrator - voieentree Parking's street - voiesortie Parking's street - avancement Parking's process - typeparking Parking's type - situation Parking's status - parkingtempsreel Parking's real time -gabarit Parking's height size -capacite Parking's space -capacite2rm Parking's space for motorbike -capacitevelo Parking's space for bicycle -capaciteautopartage Parking's car sharing -capacitepmr Parking's space for disabled people wishing -usage Parking's purpose -vocation Parking's goal -reglementation Parking's control -fermeture Parking's schedule -fermeture Parking's codetype -gid Parking's group identifier -gml_id Parking's optional external group element identifier -longitude Parking's longitude -latitude Parking's latitude :Missing Attribute Values: None :Creator: OBO Junholv, Intern Data Scientist This is a derivated copy of GRAND LYON dataset after my cleaning. [https://download.data.grandlyon.com/ws/grandlyon/pvo_patrimoine_voirie.pvoparking/all.json][1] I come from Lyon, because of i like this city; i want to created something can promote thought someone who want improve our beautiful city. "Je viens de lyon, parce-que j'aime cette ville, je voulais créer quelque chose qui pouvait pousser à la reflexion, pour que quelqu'un autre que moi puisse toujours avoir l'idée d'améliorer notre ville." References Data Grand Lyon [1]: https://download.data.grandlyon.com/ws/grandlyon/pvo_patrimoine_voirie.pvoparking/all.json

