结合StarDist和TrackMate示例1 -乳腺癌细胞数据集免费

jsaifc 13 2021-08-29 医疗图像


Description: Contains a StarDist example training dataset, a test dataset, and the StarDist model generated using ZeroCostDL4Mic (see https://github.com/HenriquesLab/ZeroCostDL4Mic/wiki/Stardist)

Training dataset: 72 Paired microscopy images (fluorescence) and corresponding masks

Microscopy data type: Fluorescence microscopy (SiR-DNA) and masks obtained via manual segmentation (see https://github.com/HenriquesLab/ZeroCostDL4Mic/wiki/Stardist for details about the segmentation)

Microscope: Spinning disk confocal microscope with a 20x 0.8 NA objective

Cell type: DCIS.COM Lifeact-RFP cells

File format: .tif (16-bit for fluorescence and 8 and 16-bit for the masks)

Image size: 1024x1024 (Pixel size: 634 nm)

