Context ------- It is not always easy to find databases from **real-world manufacturing plants** So, I would like to share this database with the community, which comes from **one of the biggest industry in Brazil and in the world**. The primary reason why we are sharing this data is that there is an urgent need for companies to understand why employees still suffer some injuries/accidents in plants. Sometimes they also die in such environment. So hope the community help us to explore and take better/newer insights from this data. Content ------- The database is basically records of accidents from **12 different plants in 03 different countries** which every line in the data is an occurrence of an accident. - Columns description - **Data**: timestamp or time/date information - **Countries**: which country the accident occurred (anonymized) - **Local**: the city where the manufacturing plant is located (anonymized) - **Industry sector**: which sector the plant belongs to - **Accident level**: from I to VI, it registers how severe was the accident (I means not severe but VI means very severe) - **Potential Accident Level**: Depending on the Accident Level, the database also registers how severe the accident could have been (due to other factors involved in the accident) - **Genre**: if the person is male of female - **Employee or Third Party**: if the injured person is an employee or a third party - **Critical Risk**: some description of the risk involved in the accident - **Description**: Detailed description of how the accident happened. Inspiration ----------- We believe that everyone should work on a **data for a good cause**, especially this one, which can help manufacturing plants to save people lives!