![](https://i.imgur.com/Vrs6apv.png) Context There is a well-documented phenomenon of increased suicide rates among United States military veterans. One recent analysis, published in 2016, found the suicide rate amongst veterans to be around 20 per day. The widespread nature of the problem has resulted in efforts by and pressure on the United States military services to combat and address mental health issues in and after service in the country's armed forces. In 2013 News21 published [a sequence of reports](https://backhome.news21.com/interactive/suicide-interactive/) on the phenomenon, aggregating and using data provided by individual states to typify the nationwide pattern. This dataset is the underlying data used in that report, as collected by the News21 team. Content The data consists of six files, one for each year between 2005 and 2011. Each year's worth of data includes the general population of each US state, a count of suicides, a count of state veterans, and a count of veteran suicides. Acknowledgements This data was originally published by News21. It has been converted from an XLS to a CSV format for publication on Kaggle. The original data, visualizations, and stories can be found [at the source](https://backhome.news21.com/interactive/suicide-interactive/). Inspiration What is the geospatial pattern of veterans in the United States? How much more vulnerable is the average veteran to suicide than the average citizen? Is the problem increasing or decreasing over time?