
jsaiyyp 13 2021-08-30 机器学习


Huynh Ngoc Anh
hu0002nh '@'
Nanyang Technological University

Data Set Information:

This dataset contains the dynamic features of 107,888 executables, collected by VirusShare from Nov/2010 to Jul/2014. The features were extracted from the artifacts generated by the executables in the Cukoo Sandbox. Please refer to the paper for more details regarding data collection and feature extraction.

Attribute Information:

The full set of features is available at [Web Link];

Relevant Papers:

author = {Huynh Ngoc Anh and
Wee Keong Ng and
Kanishka Ariyapala},
title = {A New Adaptive Learning Algorithm and Its Application to Online Malware
booktitle = {Discovery Science - 20th International Conference, {DS} 2017, Kyoto,
Japan, October 15-17, 2017, Proceedings},
pages = {18--32},
year = {2017},
crossref = {DBLP:conf/dis/2017},
url = {[Web Link]},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-67786-6_2},
timestamp = {Mon, 18 Sep 2017 13:52:15 +0200},
biburl = {[Web Link]},
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, [Web Link]}


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