
jsaiyyp 13 2021-08-30 机器学习


Name: Mehmet Vurka?§, Ph.D.
E-mail address: mehmet.vurkac '@' gmail.com, mehmet.vurkac '@' oit.edu, engineer '@' fastmail.com
Institutions: Oregon Institute of Technology (current), Portland State University (where data were obtained)
Other contact information: Daytime phone: 1-541-885-1258

Data Set Information:

The data consist of 16 binary inputs and one 'four-bit' one-hot classification output. The 16-bit inputs are binary-valued attack-point vectors. 1 indicates the substantial presence (0, absence) of an onset (note start) in a certain time window during one bar of 4/4 time music (not limited to percussion, hence *onset* vectors without duration) quantized to 16th-note subdivisions. Each vector has 16 positions in which there may be or not be an onset. The output classes (left to right: neutral, reverse clave, forward clave, and incoherent) were determined through the music-theoretic/ethnomusicological portion of the my dissertation studies, based on both double-blind listening tests and informal interviews with with four professional master-musicians, as well as decades of studying the music. Future uploads (subject only to formatting) can include an additional column of fuzzy descriptors (of the degree of match to the output class).

Attribute Information:

In terms of divisive rhythm counting, the first 16 attributes (input bits) correspond to a significant onset at:
1 e & a 2 e & a 3 e & a 4 e & a
of one bar of 4/4 time.

The last four are the output classes (3 - neutral, 2 - reverse clave, 1 - forward clave, 0 - incoherent) in one-hot (one-up) encoding.

Relevant Papers:

A Cross-Cultural Grammar for Temporal Harmony in Afro-Latin Musics: Clave, Partido-Alto and Other Timelines (Current Musicology, No. 94, 2014 with Fall 2012 imprint: [Web Link]:180566)
On the Need for Clave-Direction Analysis: A New Arena for Educational and Creative Applications of Music Technology (Journal of Music, Technology and Education, Vol. 4, No. 1, August 2011: [Web Link])
Balan?§o: the Contour of Selective Offbeatness (Bridges 2012: Mathematics, Music, Art, Architecture, Culture: [Web Link])
Workshop: Make Your Own MP3 with a€?Algorhythmica€? Generation and Aksaka€“Euclidean Synthesis (2013 for 2015 Presentation, Bridges 2013: Mathematics, Music, Art, Architecture, Culture: archive.bridgesmathart.org/2013/bridges2013-593.pdf)


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