
jsaiyyp 13 2021-08-31 机器学习


This dataset was created by Pedro F. B. Silva and Andr?? R. S. Mar?§al using leaf specimens collected by Rubim Almeida da Silva at the Faculty of Science, University of Porto, Portugal.

Data Set Information:

For further details on this dataset and/or its attributes, please read the 'ReadMe.pdf' file included and/or consult the Master's Thesis 'Development of a System for Automatic Plant Species Recognition' available at [Web Link].

Attribute Information:

1. Class (Species)
2. Specimen Number
3. Eccentricity
4. Aspect Ratio
5. Elongation
6. Solidity
7. Stochastic Convexity
8. Isoperimetric Factor
9. Maximal Indentation Depth
10. Lobedness
11. Average Intensity
12. Average Contrast
13. Smoothness
14. Third moment
15. Uniformity
16. Entropy

Relevant Papers:



Citation Request:

The data included can be used for research and educational purposes only. All publications using this dataset should cite the following paper:
'Evaluation of Features for Leaf Discrimination', Pedro F.B. Silva, Andre R.S. Marcal, Rubim M. Almeida da Silva (2013). Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 7950, 197-204.

