
jsaiyyp 19 2021-08-31 机器学习


Original Owner and Donor

Abstracts provided by:

Michael J. Pazzani
ICS Department, School of Computer Science, UCI, Irvine CA, 92697, USA
pazzani '@' ics.uci.edu

Bag-of-word data provided by:

Amnon Meyers
ICS Department, School of Computer Science, UCI, Irvine CA, 92697, USA
ameyers '@' ics.uci.edu

Data Set Information:

The abstracts, one per file, were furnished by the NSF (National Science Foundation). A sample abstract is shown in the next section.

The bag-of-word data was produced by automatically processing the abstracts with a text analyzer called NSFAbst, built using VisualText. While most fields of the output are very accurate, the authors were not extracted from the Investigator: field with 100% accuracy, due to wide variability in that field.

The word list came from a separate process, and may not include all the words of interest in the abstracts.

Attribute Information:


Relevant Papers:



Citation Request:

Please refer to the Machine Learning Repository's citation policy

