
jsaiyyp 15 2021-08-31 机器学习


Tahereh Mahmudi; Rahele Kafieh; Hossein Rabbani; Alireza Mehri dehnavi; Mohammadreza Akhlagi

Data Set Information:

OCT data & Color Fundus Images of Left & Right Eyes : This dataset contains OCT data (in mat format) and color fundus data (in jpg format) of left & right eyes of 50 healthy persons. Each volunteer's folder includes color fundus images (.jpg) and OCT data (.mat) of the right and left eyes.

Attribute Information:

OCT data & Color Fundus Images of Left & Right Eyes : This dataset contains OCT data (in mat format) and color fundus data (in jpg format) of left & right eyes of 50 healthy persons. Each volunteer's folder includes color fundus images (.jpg) and OCT data (.mat) of the right and left eyes.

Relevant Papers:

* T. Mahmudi, R. Kafieh, H. Rabbani, a€?Comparison of macular OCTs in right andleft eyes of normal peoplea€?, in Proc. SPIE 9038, Medical Imaging 2014: Biomedical Applications in Molecular, Structural, and Functional Imaging, 90381K, San Diego, California, United States Feb. 15-20, 2014. doi: 10.1117/12.2044046


Citation Request:

* T. Mahmudi, R. Kafieh, H. Rabbani, a€?Comparison of macular OCTs in right andleft eyes of normal peoplea€?, in Proc. SPIE 9038, Medical Imaging 2014: Biomedical Applications in Molecular, Structural, and Functional Imaging, 90381K, San Diego, California, United States Feb. 15-20, 2014. doi: 10.1117/12.2044046
To download more free dataset in different medical applications, please visit [Web Link]

