Which Novel Do I Belong To? In this task, you are expected to learn a Machine Learning model that classifies a given line as belonging to one of the following 12 novels: 0: alice_in_wonderland 1: dracula 2: dubliners 3: great_expectations 4: hard_times 5: huckleberry_finn 6: les_miserable 7: moby_dick 8: oliver_twist 9: peter_pan 10: talw_of_two_cities 11: tom_sawyer Description: You are provided with a three text files - xtrain.txt, ytrain.txt, xtest.txt. Each line in xtrain.txt comes from a different novel. However, the data has been obfuscated, but the patterns in it are preserved. The corresponding novel ids are specified in ytrain.txt. You can use this data to train a Machine Learning model (Deep Learning preferred). With the learned model, predict the novel ids of the lines in xtest.txt (one prediction per line). As part of your submission, include a) your predictions (in the same format as ytrain.txt) b) Expected accuracy on the test set c) the source code for training and prediction (< 10MB) d) a brief description of the used method (optional)