# Dataset This dataset was created by Yashvi Released under CC0: Public Domain # Contents It contains the following ...
Context: The Santa Barbara Corpus of Spoken American English is based on hundreds of recordings of natural speech fr ...
Context: The Eurovision Song Contest, which originated in 1956, is present on YouTube through uploads of songs perfo ...
At the end of each year, Spotify compiles a playlist of the songs streamed most often over the course of that year. ...
# Dataset This dataset was created by Umang Mathur # Contents It contains the following files:
# Dataset This dataset was created by RomanJ86 # Contents It contains the following files:
# Dataset This dataset was created by WidedHa Released under Other (specified in description) # Contents It contains ...
This dataset includes the Top 20 songs according to Billboard for the 70s, 80s, 90s, and 2000s. It includes the titl ...
# Dataset This dataset was created by Shivam Raj # Contents It contains the following files:
# Dataset This dataset was created by Ahmed Kamel Taha # Contents It contains the following files:
# Dataset This dataset was created by Aniruddha # Contents It contains the following files:
MUSAN is a corpus of music, speech, and noise recordings.
This is a large-scale speaker recognition dataset collected 'in the wild'. The dataset consists of two subsets, CN-C ...
The healthy voices or the presence of each vocal fold's disorders were clinically verified by the medical experts in ...
Abstract This database has been assembled for the PhysioNet/Computers in Cardiology Challenge 2008. It contains 100 ...
MagicData中文手机录音音频语料库包含755小时的中文普通话朗读语音数据,其中分为训练集712.09小时、开发集14.84小时和测试 ...
VoxCeleb, 是一个大型人声识别数据集。它包含来自 YouTube 视频的 1251 位名人的约 10 万段语音。数据基本上是性别平衡的( ...
VoxCeleb2包含超过100万个6,112个名人的话语,从上传到YouTube的视频中提取,VoxCeleb2已经与VoxCeleb1或SITW数据集没有重叠 ...
FMA 是音乐分析数据集,由整首 HQ 音频、预计算的特征,以及音轨和用户级元数据组成。它是一个公开数据集,用于评估 MIR 中 ...