About This dataset include comments for different devices on russian language Content Thi dataset include fields: - ...
Context Audio files containing voice data from mulitple speakers in a meeting Content This is an audio conversation ...
# Dataset This dataset was created by David G. Released under CC0: Public Domain # Contents It contains the followin ...
Eurovision finals of 2018 Tweets stored in .json format where each tweet is in its own separate object Files 3 to 10 ...
Eurovision semi-finals of 2018 Tweets stored in .json format where each tweet is in its own separate object Eurovisi ...
# Dataset This dataset was created by David Afonso # Contents It contains the following files:
Context The flute is a widely used instrument in compositional practices. Furthermore, it has a long tradition in [E ...
Context This data was gathered for a passion project in May, 2018. Code used for converting to this format from midi ...
# Dataset This dataset was created by iampedroalz Released under Data files ? Original Authors # Contents It contain ...
# Dataset This dataset was created by zytx121 Released under GPL 2 # Contents It contains the following files:
Context The Cure is one of my favourites groups, that's why I decided to analyze their discography. Content Populari ...
It contains a directory named recording in which you can find various voice recordings of digits from 0 to 9.
# Dataset This dataset was created by Ben Perceval # Contents It contains the following files:
Context Back in 2016 I was working on an app to pass the time of unemployment so I decided to make a mobile app. Thi ...
This dataset comes from: https://eurovision.tv/event/lisbon-2018/grand-final/voting-details It contains the extended ...
Context Named Entity Recognition (NER) has been mostly studied in the context of written text. Specifically, NER is ...
Context Music is LIFE!! Content This data set consists of names of some Jazz music and the notes extracted from thei ...
Here is a bunch of data from AWS voice transcriptions of episodes of "The Bachelor". I have some hypothesis about ho ...
Esse Dataset foi retirado do site do Ipea http://www.ipea.gov.br/atlasviolencia/dados-series/32 O Objetivo é estudar ...
# Dataset This dataset was created by Yessine Bessrour # Contents It contains the following files: