19 东吉格时间表免费

jsaifc 30 2021-08-24 语音识别


Context Back in 2016 I was working on an app to pass the time of unemployment so I decided to make a mobile app. This isn't much just for me to pass the time. You can find the [app here][1] though, I use it personally especially to check some interesting upcoming schedule Content The data consists of schedules from 2016 to 2018 (june). I'm still exploring data science though but I plan to make a simple analysis out of this scrapped data. I might be posting more data after some time to get some data like most frequent artists, one time deals, or maybe social media opinions as well probably some customers might have already tweeted about the event. [1]: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jeremecausing.gigs19east&hl=fil

