# Context On the morning of 10 January 2017, Opplysningsr?det for Veitrafikken (OFV), Norwegian road association, held a business breakfast for its member organizations, where they presented the [annual presentation][1] under the title "Car Year 2016. Status and trends" (Bil?ret 2016 – status og trender). Among the highlights for the year, OFV reported all-time-high sales of electric cars, with fully electric and plug-in hybrid cars accounting for 40,2% of all new car sales (compare to 7.4% for Sweden and 3.6% for Denmark). No other country in the world has this level of popularity of battery-equipped vehicles! In November 2016, 12 out of 15 most popular cars sold in Norway were either hybrids of fully electric vehicles with BWM-i3 snapping the title as the most popular car in Norway, ahead of undisputed leader of the last decade VW Golf (including eGolf), according to [bilnorge.no][2]. Among 10 most popular cars for the year, OFV reported, there was only one(!) fossil fuel vehicle. OFV makes annual forecast of new passenger car sales. Short summary of their methodology: - Based on OFV statistics over several years - Taking into account the actual monthly figures for the last four years - Actual same-month sales for the previous year is combined with the average for the eight previous months, weighed by the month's proportion in a year, adjusted by year's actual sales compared with those of the last year. OFV forecast for 2016 was 157 500 new passenger cars. Actual sales were 154 603 cars. Applying the same model for 2017, OFV forecasts 152 400 new passenger cars to be sold in Norway. # Content Dataset includes two tables: 1) Monthly sales of new passenger cars by make (manufacturer brand) - **norway_new_car_sales_by_make.csv** - Year - year of sales - Month - month of sales - Make - car make (e.g. Volkswagen, Toyota, Tesla) - Quantity - number of units sold - Pct - percent share in monthly total 2) Monthly summary of **top-20** most popular models (by make and model) - **norway_new_car_sales_by_model.csv** - Year - year of sales - Month - month of sales - Make - car make (e.g. Volkswagen, Toyota, Tesla) - Model - car model (e.g. BMW-i3, Volkswagen Golf, Tesla S75) - Quantity - number of units sold - Pct - percent share in monthly total 3) Summary stats for car sales in Norway by month - **norway_new_car_sales_by_month.csv** - Year - year of sales - Month - month of sales - Quantity - total number of units sold - Quantity_YoY - change YoY in units - Import - total number of units imported (used cars) - Import_YoY - change YoY in units - Used - total number of units owner changes inside the country (data available from 2012) - Used_YoY - change YoY in units - Avg_CO2 - average CO2 emission of all cars sold in a given month (in g/km) - Bensin_CO2 - average CO2 emission of bensin-fueled cars sold in a given month (in g/km) - Diesel_CO2 - average CO2 emission of diesel-fueled cars sold in a given month (in g/km) - Quantity_Diesel - number of diesel-fueled cars sold in the country in a given month - Diesel_Share - share of diesel cars in total sales (Quantity_Diesel / Quantity) - Diesel_Share_LY - share of diesel cars in total sales a year ago - Quantity_Hybrid - number of new hybrid cars sold in the country (both PHEV and BV) - Quantity_Electric - number of new electric cars sold in the country (zero emission vehicles) - Import_Electric - number of used electric cars imported to the country (zero emission vehicles) *Note: The numbers on sales of hybrid and electric cars is unavailable prior to 2011.* Data is complied from monthly tables published on OFV website (example [here][3]). Additional datapoints added from summary tables published on [dinside.no][4] # Acknowledgements Opplysningsr?det for Veitrafikken (OFV) is a politically independent membership organization that works to get politicians and authorities to build safer and more efficient roads in Norway. The organization has about 60 members, representing different types of road users. Members are leading players in road safety, car owner associations, public transportation companies, shippers, car dealers, oil companies, banking, finance and insurance, road builders and general contractors. - Site: http://www.ofvas.no and http://www.ofv.no - Monthly summary statistics and market news: http://www.dinside.no/emne/bilsalget and http://statistikk.ofv.no/ofv_bilsalg_small.asp - Detailed sales per model: http://www.ofvas.no/co2-utslippet/category406.html (using http://www.newocr.com/) Commercial use of this dataset is prohibited. Please, consult with [OFVAS][5] directly regarding these cas. # Suggested citation *Norwegian:* Opplysningsr?det for Veitrafikken AS (OFVAS) (2018). Bilsalget statistikk, 2005-2018 [Data set]. Innhetet fra http://www.ofvas.no/bilsalget/category404.html *English* Opplysningsr?det for Veitrafikken AS (OFVAS) (2018). Statistics for car sales, 2005-2018 [Data set]. Retrieved from http://www.ofvas.no/bilsalget/category404.html The in-text citation for this reference would be "Opplysningsr?det for Veitrafikken AS (2018)" or "(OFVAS, 2018)." # Inspiration 1) How did Norway get here? When did they start on the journey towards electric-powered vehicles and what might have contributed? 2) Did you now that until recently (September 2016), Norway has been [second most important market for Tesla Motors][6] (after US)? 3) Can you beat the forecast accuracy of OFV for 2016 and produce a better estimate for 2017? [1]: http://www.ofv.no/getfile.php/135201/Dokumenter/OFV%20Frokostm%C3%B8ter/2017.01.10%20Presentasjon%20OFV_frokostm%C3%B8tet%2010%20januar%202017.pdf [2]: http://www.bilnorge.no/artikkel.php?aid=47109 [3]: http://www.ofvas.no/bilsalget-i-2016/category706.html [4]: http://www.dinside.no/emne/bilsalget [5]: http://www.ofvas.no/om-ofv-as/vilkar-for-bruk-article817-212.html [6]: https://electrek.co/2016/09/08/tesla-uk-biggest-european-market-surpassing-norway/