Context [Spotify for Developers][1] offers a wide range of possibilities to utilize the extensive catalog of Spotify data. One of them are the audio features calculated for each song and made available via the [official Spotify Web API][2]. There are several datasets on Kaggle published in the past containing similar data. However, as of December 2018 this dataset is the most recent one (latest data retrieval was on 3rd December 2018) as well as the biggest one (more than 116k unique songs). More information about the collection process as well as some additional information can be found in [this github repo][3]. Content Each song (row) has values for artist name, track name, track id and the audio features itself (for more information about the audio features check out [this doc from Spotify][4]). Additionally, there is also a popularity feature included in this dataset. Please note that Spotify recalculates this value based on the number of plays the track receives so it might not be correct value anymore when you access the data. Acknowledgements Credit goes entirely to Spotify for providing this data via their Web API. [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: