KITTI 对象检测免费

jsaifc 18 2021-08-25 自动驾驶


KITTI 对象检测 ( 自动驾驶 第1张This Datasets contains the [Kitti Object Detection Benchmark][1], created by *Andreas Geiger, Philip Lenz and Raquel Urtasun in the Proceedings of 2012 CVPR ," Are we ready for Autonomous Driving? The KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite"*. This Kernel contains the object detection part of their different Datasets published for Autonomous Driving. It contains a set of images with their bounding box labels. For more information visit the Website they published the data on (linked above) and/or read the README file as it explains the Label format. ---------- Furthermore this is distributed by the [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0][2] license. For clarity I did not modify any of this and do not want to use this commercially. This is just for a educational purpose [1]: [2]:

