When using this dataset in your research, we will be happy if you cite us! (or bring us some self-made cake or ice-cream)
For the stereo 2012, flow 2012, odometry, object detection or tracking benchmarks, please cite:
author = {Andreas Geiger and Philip Lenz and Raquel Urtasun},
title = {Are we ready for Autonomous Driving? The KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite},
booktitle = {Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
year = {2012}
For the raw dataset, please cite:
author = {Andreas Geiger and Philip Lenz and Christoph Stiller and Raquel Urtasun},
title = {Vision meets Robotics: The KITTI Dataset},
journal = {International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR)},
year = {2013}
For the road benchmark, please cite:
author = {Jannik Fritsch and Tobias Kuehnl and Andreas Geiger},
title = {A New Performance Measure and evaluation Benchmark for Road Detection Algorithms},
booktitle = {International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC)},
year = {2013}
For the stereo 2015, flow 2015 and scene flow 2015 benchmarks, please cite:
author = {Moritz Menze and Andreas Geiger},
title = {Object Scene Flow for Autonomous Vehicles},
booktitle = {Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
year = {2015}