Collection of NIDM-Results packs downloaded from Neurovault collection, ...
# Dataset This dataset was created by Andy lendils # Contents It contains the following files:
# Dataset This dataset was created by Shashank Mishra Released under Reddit API Terms # Contents It contains the fol ...
# Dataset This dataset was created by Rishab Jain # Contents It contains the following files:
# Dataset This dataset was created by Shahebaz Released under CC0: Public Domain # Contents It contains the followin ...
# Dataset This dataset was created by yeheak # Contents It contains the following files
The data set has 13233 face images. The images are in .jpg format and are of around 250x250 pixels
# Dataset This dataset was created by AliAkram # Contents It contains the following files:
# Dataset This dataset was created by Gaurav jain Released under Database: Open Database, Contents: ? Original Autho ...
# Dataset This dataset was created by Tiger Li # Contents It contains the following files:
SUMMARY ================================================================================ MovieLens helps you find mo ...
The CIFAR-10 dataset consists of 60000 32x32 colour images in 10 classes, with 6000 images per class. There are 5000 ...
COCO 是一个大型图像数据集,其被用于机器视觉领域的对象检测与分割、人物关键点检测、填充分割与字幕生成。该数据集以场景 ...
Places2 是一个场景图像数据集,包含 1千万张 图片,400多个不同类型的场景环境,可用于以场景和环境为应用内容的视觉认知任务。
NIST Supplemental Fingerprint Card Data (SFCD) 是一个指纹识别数据,包括522个人的5520张指纹图像,图像分辨率为832x768 ...
iCubWorld是一个正在进行的项目。最新版本是iCubWorld Transformations.