The MultiMNIST training and test dataset is generated by overlaying a digit on top of another digit from the same set (training or test) but different class.
Data Collection
Each digit is shifted up to 4 pixels in each direction resulting in a 36×36 image. Considering a digit in a 28×28 image is bounded in a 20×20 box, two digits bounding boxes on average have 80% overlap. For each digit in the MNIST dataset we generate 1K MultiMNIST examples. So the training set size is 60M and the test set size is 10M.
@inproceedings{sabour2017dynamic, title={Dynamic routing between capsules}, author={Sabour, Sara and Frosst, Nicholas and Hinton, Geoffrey E}, booktitle={Advances in neural information processing systems}, pages={3856--3866}, year={2017} }